Katrina Riley

Katrina Riley is the Principalnerd, a Principal Coach, and Educational Career Specialist. Leveraging her experience as a former teacher, instructional coach, principal and leadership coach, the Principalnerd teaches aspiring education leaders essential unrevealed skills necessary for a successful career.
Katrina Riley is a career educator with 20 years of educational experience. She has served in multiple roles including teacher, coach, and principal. Katrina has worked in multiple educational settings in various states including Florida, Louisiana, and Maryland. Katrina holds a Bachelor's degree in English from Florida State University and a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. In 2010 Katrina completed the New Leaders for New Schools Principal Residency program in New Orleans, La. She has worked in multiple educational settings including public, charter, nonprofit, school-based and district levels. Her most recent work has been as an urban school principal where she was instrumental in transforming schools and communities. Katrina is a native of Gainesville, Fl and currently resides in Orange Park, Fl.